I dreamt about Therapart for years, not knowing what it was or how this dream was actually going to become a reality. What was it actually? What did it mean? What was I supposed to do with this idea that I had? For years I had doubts, shame, and fear. Fear about what people would think of me. “Dancing Crazy”. Was that how I was going to be perceived? I had fears about sharing the things I had gone through. Fears of sharing something that was so deeply painful for me. When I looked at myself, really looked at myself, I began the healing process. That is where the journey began.

I remember the moment as if it was yesterday. It was  July 4th. I had just finished the novel The Alchemist and met these two beautiful women who had just arrived from Australia. I shared my dreams with them. Shared the ideas I had stored in my head about creating this art installation. This idea has now turned into a non-profit. I remember they were the first who believed in me. They believed in my dreams and they wouldn’t give up on me until we all witnessed the flower bloom. Now almost 5 years later, I look back, reflect and remember the feeling of when I first received the download. The feeling of a belief to create something that was way bigger than myself. Therapart is love. Therapart is community, art and healing.  This body of work is about every single person who has ever experienced pain, trauma, joy and anger. This is for every person who desires release. I define magic as creating and becoming something bigger than ourselves.

As I sit here writing this with tears filling my eyes, I reflect on the magical moments of making this film with nothing but love and a seed that sprouted. No crew. No budget. Only love and a seed that sprouted, wilted, re-sprouted and then bloomed. My prayer is that this work touches even one person's heart. I pray that this helps one person believe in themselves and their dreams despite their adversity. May they know that anything in this life is possible. We can rewrite and rescript our story of our lives at any time. This film is dedicated to my brother Brandon, with love.